It was the first planet to be discovered through a telescope.
Source: Google
You could fit 63 Earths inside Uranus. It has a diameter of 25,362 km.
Source: Google
Uranus is an ice giant. It’s made up of dense “icy” materials, mainly water, methane and ammonia – above a small rocky core.
Source: Google
Uranus has two sets of rings.The inner rings are dark and grey whereas the outer rings are blue and red.
Source: Google
The discoverer of Uranus wanted it to be called Georgium Sidus.
Source: Google
Uranus is the only planet not named after a Roman God.
Source Google
Uranus’ Moons are named after Shakespeare characters.
Source: Google
Uranus took shape when the rest of the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
Source: Google
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