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Flowering Plants for Your Home


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Anthuriums: These heart-shaped blooms require medium to bright light and thrive in humid conditions, making them great indoor plants. 

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Crown of Thorns: Low maintenance and easily adaptable, the crown of thorns have small, colourful flowers that come in red, yellow, pink, salmon and white. 

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Amaryllis: Due to their large trumpet-like blooms, amaryllis plants will enliven any part of your space.

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Oxalis: With their clover-like leaves, these shamrock plants should be on your list.

Source: Google

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Clivia: Clivia plants have smaller trumpet-shaped blooms that retain their foliage all year round.

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Peace Lily: Symbolizing fresh life and rebirth, peace lilies are known for their spoon-shaped flowers and easy care.

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Cyclamen: Add a pop of colour to those dreary winter days with a cyclamen plant in your home. 

Source: Google

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Bromeliad: Part of the pineapple family, bromeliads have tropical foliage pretty enough for holiday decorating.

Source: Google

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