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Shed Some Fat with These Exercises


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Decline Press Up Jacks: Start in a press up position with your legs either side of the step. Jump your feet up onto the box and back down. Repeat. 

Source: Google

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Burpees: Place your hands on the floor, spring your feet back and do a press up. And then jump your feet back in and spring back up. Repeat.


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Frog Jumps: Simply jump with both legs over the box and turn around to jump back over it again.

Source: Google

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Side Box Jumps: Spring yourself up and land on top of the box with both feet at the same time. Jump back down to the other side and repeat.

Source: Google

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High Knees:  High knees are great for your legs, cardio and core. Use your arms so that your body is fully engaged and simply jog on the spot while raising your knees up to waist height.

Source: Google

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Mountain Climbers: Place your hands on the step so that you’re in an incline press up position. Bring one knee in and then straighten it back out again. Then bring the other knee in and straighten it back out again.

Source: Google

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Alternating Jumping Lunges: Lunge forward and down and then when you're ready, spring back up and swap your legs over in mid-air so that you land with the opposite foot forward. 

Source: Google

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Quick Step Ups: Set the raiser blocks to a good height and then step up and back down one foot at a time as fast as you can. Swap your leading foot halfway through.

Source: Google

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