Blue Whale: Blue whales are thought to be the largest animals ever to have lived on Earth.
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Fin Whale: The fin whale is the second-largest animal in the world. Its sleek appearance caused sailors to call it the "greyhound of the sea."
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Sei Whale: Sei (pronounced "say") whales are one of the fastest whale species. They are streamlined, with a dark back and white underside and very curved dorsal fin.
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Humpback Whale: The humpback whale is known as the "big-winged New Englander" because it has long pectoral fins or flippers.
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Bowhead Whale: The bowhead whale got its name from its high, arched jaw that resembles a bow. They're cold-water whales that live in the Arctic.
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North Atlantic Right Whale: The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered marine mammals, with only about 400 remaining.
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Southern Right Whale: The southern right whale is a large, bulky-looking baleen whale that reaches 45 to 55 feet in length and weighs up to 60 tons.
Source: Google
North Pacific Right Whale: North Pacific right whales have dwindled in population so much that only a few hundred remain.
Source: Google
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